Saturday, March 8, 2014

Teaching "I Stand All Amazed" - Continued

Teaching this song following the church's suggestion worked really well last week. If you did something different, I highly recommend you teach the second week and use the church's suggestion as a review. As usual, with it being Fast Sunday last week, we did not have very much time in Junior Primary so I would continue with the lesson from last week with Junior Primary.

However, the options below work for Junior Primary too, so (and I've done this in the past) I might have Junior Primary just trail one week behind with each song activity until I can catch them back up at the end of the month.

This is such a beautiful, reverent song that I want to be careful not to have too silly of activities with it. This song talks about our Savior, that he died and was crucified for us. The kids need to be reminded that this is a very reverent song, and to understand what they are singing. Our chorister did an amazing job last week sharing her testimony about how she loves this song, and about how it's so great to learn this song because its one the children can sing in sacrament. I want to stick with that direction in teaching this song. 

A few ways I have thought about doing this ... I have done all of these things in the past (so I know they work very effectively), and they just seem super appropriate for this song:

Option 1 - 
Pass out the pictures from last week. Sing the song and have children come to the front of the room and hold up their pictures as you sing it. The object is for them to recognize when it's their to come up on their own.

Option 2 - 
Put the picture from last week in order on the board. The pictures will be in scrambled order, and a child will have an opportunity to point to the correct picture as we sing the song, as a game to see if they can point in the correct order.

Option 3 - 
Print out four pictures per page from last week so they are about the size of a traditional photograph. 

To do this:
1. Save all the pictures from last week's post to a folder on your computer.
2. Click on one of the images inside the folder, then press CTRL and A buttons at the same time. All the images in the folder will appear to be highlighted.

3. Right-click with your mouse to bring up the task menu. Click "print."
4. When the Print Pictures dialog box appears, choose "3.5 x 5." This will print four pictures to a page.

Now that you have the pictures ready: 

Pass out the pictures so that every child has one. You might want to make sure that all the sunbeams and all the CTR4 children have the same picture so their teacher can help them.

Then, ask the children to hold up the picture that corresponds to their part of the song as we sing it. When they've done this once, have the children pass their pictures to the row behind them (and the back row passed back to the front), and then sing the song again. 

Finally, we should be bearing our testimonies constantly, but especially with this song!

Additional activity
With any of these activities, you can add in an additional piece and give the children opportunities to share their thoughts and feelings about the picture they are holding. Just be prepared with the youngest children that they might end up telling you about their vacation or something, so you can gently steer them back on track!

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