Sunday, July 25, 2021

For Primary Choristers (and Teachers): A Prize Wheel

I searched for and looked into making a Prize Wheel for every year that I was in Primary. I never felt right about spending the Primary budget on one, nor could I find one in a price range that I felt was reasonable for its intended purpose, which was light use maybe once a quarter. I even bought a lid from Home Depot and started trying to fashion on myself (but then stopped when I moved onto a new calling ... but the weight thing was a little tough anyway. It has to be perfectly balanced or it will always land on the same triangle).

So, I'm thrilled to share that IKEA has a prize wheel for only $25 (plus ~$5 for shipping).

If you have an IKEA in your area, you can check to see if they have it in stock. Not surprisingly, it is out of stock in Draper so I am having one shipped to me. If you have been considering one, I'd run to grab this before it is out of stock. It is the best price I have seen on a quality prize wheel, and better made than the ones I considered that were more expensive, based on the fact that I can see at least some of this birch plywood instead of being entirely made out of plastic.

Some IDEAS for using a Prize Wheel as a Primary Chorister:

1. Choosing WHAT song to sing. There are so many spaces that you can either make large pie slices so there are fewer options (just tape to wheel) or you can put the song and verse to break it up further.

2. Choosing HOW to sing a song (girls only, boys only, staccato, whisper, standing on one leg, while hopping on one leg, facing the back of the room, etc.)

3. Choosing WHO gets to come up to the front of the room for something, depending on how many people you have in in your primary. Or, for a larger primary, you can narrow down to which class.

4. Choosing HOW many points the class gets toward a common goal

5. Choosing how many more notes the pianist will play toward guessing what song she is singing (so it would be a bunch of low numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, which repeat.) 


So many things you could do with a prize wheel! See why I always wanted one? If you decide to buy one, and need some help with how to use it, feel free to ask questions below. If you list the songs you want to work on and any goals for that day, I can help you figure out out a fun way to use the wheel!