Thursday, October 3, 2019

Inktober Month

In the land of Instagram, there is a beautiful project that happens every October called "Inktober." The challenge is to draw something in ink every day of the month (or once a week, or whatever you can handle with your schedule). When you are done, simply post the image, and hash tag #inktober and #inktober 2019.  There are also optional prompts for each day of the month (listed further down in this post).

I have a character named Pie that I draw on my Instagram account @iliketocreatestuff sometimes. I have added the extra challenge for myself this Inktober of:

a) Using the daily prompts
b) Incorporating the prompt into Pie's life
c) Adding a couple of story lines that go with the drawing and the prompt since I'm a writer first, and doodler second.

The below collage is some random drawings I picked from different people that are participating in Inktober, none of whom I personally follow except @laurieaconleyart, who I discovered on Inktober last year and absolutely love.

This collage is for Day 2's prompt, "Mindless."

Pie is the top middle picture of the mummies. That's what I thought when I heard "mindless," but it's fun to see where others went. There were a LOT of drawings like the one on the top left and bottom middle - heads cut off with no brains inside but I instantly went to mummies and zombies. :)

Image result for inktober 2019 prompts

I love Inktober because it's an easy opportunity to be creative. You may think you're too busy of that you aren't an artist but if that is the case, make that part of your challenge! Only give yourself five minutes a day to draw the challenge. Don't even post it if you don't want to share. This is such a fun way to challenge your brain and just have fun with creativity.

For my primary choristers that are ready this ... imagine the fun things you can do in Primary with this! Instead of drawing, it's acting it out, and instead of random words, it's words from the songs you are teaching!

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