Sunday, May 12, 2019

Temple blessings puzzle activity for children (singing time, primary lesson, or FHE)

This week's "Come Follow Me" lesson focuses on Matthew 19-20, Mark 10, and Luke 18. The topic is, "What Lack Yet?"

There are several themes that I have begun to dive more deeply into, including asking the Lord where we can improve (What lack I yet?) and thinking about what we are inspired to focus on to improve. Another theme is marriage.

I will likely share more thoughts about this later but for choristers, primary teachers, and parents, I wanted to go ahead share this story about marriage, plus a printable two-sided puzzle about temple blessings that I found while reviewing "marriage" under Gospel Topics on 

I can see a lot of fun ways to apply this in a lesson for choristers, primary teachers, and parents:

1. For Singing Time song reviews, put a different song title on each puzzle piece (on the side without the temple), or if you focusing on just one or two songs, put a fun way to sing the song on each puzzle piece instead.

2. For Singing Time free singing, write a different song related to each picture on each puzzle piece OR, ask the children to come up with a song related to the picture on each puzzle piece. They will likely often pick songs that barely fit the topic, but it's fun to come up with connections to the song. 

3. For class learning, hide one puzzle piece below each chair or simply pass out each puzzle piece. Each child is asked to share what that picture is about and how it can bless our lives and prepare us to return to our Father in Heaven.

4. For parents, share more personal stories that go with each picture and try to help your children see how these pieces are all important for exaltation in a way that is more personal to them.

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