Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Come Follow Me - Activity and Song

This singing time/family activity pairs with my previous blog post where I shared some stories about how Jesus humbly served others and how others have lived liked Jesus. You can find it here: "Humbly Serving Others - Two Cool Stories (Team Hoyt and Shiblon)".

Summary of the Activity
  • Discuss how we can humbly love others the way Jesus humbly loved others, and how by doing so, we follow in his footsteps. 
  • Sing and discuss "Come Follow Me" from the Hymnal, page 116.

Right-click to save to computer and then print, or leave a message if you want me to email you a a PDF version of this image, instead of downloading the jpg above. 

Here is it without hearts if you would rather cut it out in the shape of a footprint;

The image includes a description of what the image is about, the matching scripture, and a source reference link for where to find the original image yourself. 

The activity
Each heart represents a different way we can follow in the Savior's footsteps of humbly loving others. 

Have a child choose a heart, then ask if someone can describe what is is happening in the image. The heart is small, so consider passing the heart around the room, walking around with it held up, or having the child that chose the heart describe what they see in the picture. 

You can also have children look up the scripture that goes with the heart (as listed in the heart print-out), or by writing the scripture on the back of the heart for a child to read. 

Next, have a child suggest a motion that represents what they learned. For example, for the story of Zacchaeus, children can pretend to shake hands and introduce themselves by shaking the hands of the people next to them. For the story of young Jesus teaching, they can act like a teacher and pretend to be lecturing. For "Jesus wept," of course, they can pretend to be crying.

Next, sing "Come Follow Me" while acting out the motions discussed.

By singing this song with different stories of Jesus in mind, we help enforce what it means to "Come Follow Jesus," while also teaching and strengthening the knowledge of the words of this beautiful song.

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